The Purpose Brokerage offers 5 Services That Deliver Purpose & Power to Audiences Across The Globe!
Presentations: $500- $1000
Powerful, Purposeful Presentations & Systems for organizations who want to broker purpose on a higher level in their culture. Empower and engage teams around collaboration, drive, empathy, movement and alignment towards a common destiny. BOOK NOW
Current Presentations:
- Our Time Cannot Wait: How To Wage War Against Your Organization’s Weaknesses and Rally ALL Your Troops Towards Victory
- Creating Wakanda: Building Your Organization with the Belief in Its Very Own Vibranium
- Changing The Game: Creating the Company of Your Dreams with a Revolutionary Team Culture
- More Power: Add on a consultation with leaders/members of the organization for custom tailored systems and solutions that will create a respectful, understanding, open atmosphere
- More Purpose: Add on The Purpose Broker’s System to implement Humanity on a daily basis in your organization
Keynote Speeches: $500
Powerful & Packed with Purpose. Moves audiences from stagnation to full awareness of power, from indifference to tears, from apathy to pure belief in their connectedness to their fellow brethren. BOOK NOW
Current Speeches:
I Am The Second Coming of My Life: How to Reclaim Your Life’s Purpose And Restore Your Belief In It
Didn’t Know I Could Do It… Until I Did It: How to Fire Procrastination and Fear of the Unknown to Start Working On Your Purpose
The Wealth Inside: Utilizing Your Natural Strengths to Create the Abundance You Desire
Events: Price varies
Purposeful Events Always Dive Deeper Into Something Our Humanity Needs to Grow in, Uproot or Become Aware of!
You always get the exact purpose you came for, are sure to have a groundbreaking time and leave with fire under your feet!
Current Signature Event:
- CLICK HERE for all Current Events with The Purpose Broker!
Additional Events by The Purpose Broker:
- Houston’s Mental Health Open Mic Nights. Join Our Meetup
- Woke In Real Estate: Join Our Meetup
The Host with The MOST: $85/hour
Sensational Energy SURE to Bring The House Down at Your Event! Get ready to have a Blast, Laugh, Be Inspired, Empowered, ACCEPTED, and Leave Feeling High on ALL of LIFE’s GOODNESS!
Host of Events Including:
- The Woman’s Earth 5th Anniversary Celebration
- The Financial Connection Career Panel
- Memorial Day Weekend Festival
- Juneteenth Festival
- KCOH Radio Segment
- MANY Non Profit events!! BOOK NOW
Purpose Training and Consultation: $70/hour
Consulting & Purpose Training: Defining Who You Are, Indoctrinating Your Purpose, Assigning Numerical Value and Dates, Implementing Your Destiny. Fear Conquering | Activity Igniting | Potential Reaching
Purpose Consulting and Coaching Sessions:
A Package of 4 Sessions that help you unveil and unleash the power of who you truly are into the world!
Our Purpose, Presence and Power in this world requires us to:
* Seriously examine and ask ourselves questions to reach resolutions in our lives and next steps in our journey
* Most people don’t have the time, take the time or know where to begin to dive into this. C. Marie Williams has spent a lifetime doing this with herself, meeting countless friends and co-workers in coffee shops, and helping family members through difficult situations much older and more experienced than her.
* These insightful and energizing sessions dig deep and create the space and time for you to do that
* A series of questions, activities, reflection and action items are tailored to each being.
4. The end result is to see your path and purpose more clearly, the beauty in your testament, the opportunity knocking at your door and next steps to take in your journey!
Conclusions and results offered in creative, unique styles that are a FAVORITE amongst clients!
Price: $300. Option of split payment offered. BOOK NOW
“Your Purpose Cannot Be Negotiated”