The Purpose Broker

Purposeful Events

2nd Saturdays: POWERFUL PEOPLE
Sessions on How to Reclaim Your Life’s Purpose and Restore Your Belief in It.
Sessions on How to Change The Game, Bridge The Gap and Create a Revolutionary Team Culture.

This 2019 we are starting the #WeToo Movement! We too are people and families who have been affected by mental illness. Our stories need to be heard, community participation is change, is healing.

The P Life: Extracting Your Purpose, Power and Presence. Showcasing Your Limitless Potential!
Are You Ready to Show the World Who You Are?!
Contact C. Marie Williams with the subject line : “show feature”

We are serious about changing the world. We’re anonymous about how we do it.
Contact C. Marie Williams, The Purpose Broker for location, details and phone screening.
Subject Line: Entrepreneurs Anonymous

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How to Build A Million Dollar BRAND! .... Guest Speaker: TIANA VON JOHNSON .... Powerful Keynote Speech by: C.Marie, the purpose broker
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Time is up, sorry!
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Open Mic Night! Bring your poetry, songs, speech or just a listening hair